We’re delighted that you’re considering Holy Spirit Preparatory School. 我们相信这是一个真正独特的地方, 最重要的是, 我们渴望我们的学生知道上帝的爱.
Holy Spirit Prep families thrive on our authentic classical Catholic approach, where we work together to help students reach their God-given potential. 我们期待与您分享更多关于我们美好社区的信息!
Holy Spirit Prep is a classical Catholic school with a vibrant and joyful community of families. 我们很高兴你考虑加入我们! 我们努力与家人合作, teaching our students to glorify God by striving for excellence in all aspects of their lives.
- 学生年龄从6个月到12年级不等
- 被评为2021年巴克黑德最佳私立学校
- 小生境A+等级
- 文科专业学术选修课程, 计算机科学, 美术, 提供古典语言课程
- 59%的学生会演奏乐器
- 神圣的准备, 包括第一次圣餐和坚信礼, 与课程相结合
- 学生在上学期间每周至少参加一次弥撒
- 他是两个校区的全职牧师
- 10+运动项目
- 有竞争性的学生宿舍系统,有4个宿舍
- 学生年龄从6个月到12年级不等
- 被评为2021年巴克黑德最佳私立学校
- 小生境A+等级
- 文科专业学术选修课程, 计算机科学, 美术, 提供古典语言课程
- 59%的学生会演奏乐器
- 10+运动项目
- 有竞争性的学生宿舍系统,有4个宿舍
- 神圣的准备, 包括第一次圣餐和坚信礼, 与课程相结合
- 学生在上学期间每周至少参加一次弥撒
- 他是两个校区的全职牧师
We are delighted that you are interested in learning more about what Holy Spirit Preparatory School has to offer.
Completing an inquiry form is not required but provides an easy way for families to receive additional information prior to applying or scheduling a tour. 一旦你提交了查询表格, you will be contacted by the 十大玩彩信誉平台 Team to answer any questions you may have and provide you with additional support as you begin the application process.
Our tuition plan provides several options for families to ensure they are able to provide their children with the life-changing experience of receiving a Holy Spirit Prep education. 家庭 是按年、半年还是按月交学费. Discounts are available to families who choose to pay annually or semi-annually. 对于那些选择每年支付的学生,学费在一月份到期.
学费2023 - 2024
学费2023 - 2024
- 午餐
- 1:1 ipad k -1, chromebook (6 -11)
- 书(K-8th)
- PVA加入
- 课后辅导课到下午4点
- 500 (6 - 12)
- 教科书(9 - 12)*
- 制服*
- 学校用品*
- 班级旅行
- 课外活动费
- 扩展学校课程
- 午餐
- 1:1 ipad k -1, chromebook (6 -11)
- 书(K-8th)
- PVA加入
- 课后辅导课到下午4点
- 500 (6 - 12)
- 教科书(9 - 12)*
- 制服*
- 学校用品*
- 班级旅行
- 课外活动费
- 扩展学校课程
It’s our goal to make Holy Spirit Prep affordable for as many families as possible. That’s why we allocate $2 million in need-based financial aid each year to about half of our students. 申请学费补助是直接和容易的.
在圣灵预备学校, our tuition assistance program provides support for students who would not be able to attend our school otherwise. The application process for financial aid is simple and allows us to analyze a family’s financial position so we can determine how to best assist them. All admissions decisions are made independently of a family’s ability to pay.
Complete our application process by submitting the required documents through School and Student Services (SSS). SSS处理家庭提供的有关收入的信息, 资产, 债务, 和股票, 然后将家庭供款报告(RFC)转发给HSP, 我们用什么作为援助奖励的指导方针.
We invite you to apply to Holy Spirit Prep and become part of our community! 简化录取程序, 我们和拉文纳合作过, a popular online admission and enrollment system frequently used by private and independent schools. 通过拉文纳传送门, 你可以完成一份申请, 提交证明文件, 跟踪您的申请状态, 并最终查看录取决定.
- 2024-2025学年的申请现已开始!
- 2024年3月16日-申请截止日期,以保证3/30通知
- 2024年3月30日——发送电子接收通知
- 2024年4月11日——来自家长的回应
在录取截止日期之后, all grades with remaining space move to rolling admissions until the end of the admissions season.
** 学前教育 applicants please note: the above dates are for Kindergarten-12th applicants. 所有学前班申请者都是滚动录取的.
所有学生必须通过我们的网上申请 拉文纳门户 才能被考虑录取. To apply, simply create an 账户, fill out the Applicant Form, and pay a $100 application fee. 添加itional grade-specific application requirements can be found in our 拉文纳门户.
是的, you may still complete an application after our posted deadline; however, please understand that spaces are limited and applications received prior to the deadline will be given priority. Applying by the deadline guarantees a decision on the decision released date.
我们接受从6个月大到11年级的学生, 取决于在一个特定的年级水平的可用性.
Does Holy Spirit Preparatory School require an interview as part of the admissions process?
是的, 我们对家长和学生进行面谈, 因为我们喜欢了解我们潜在的家庭.
学前班家庭是滚动通知的, and a decision can be expected within a couple of weeks of completing the application process. Kindergarten-12th grade applicants can expect a decision on the AAAIS decision release date, 或在此日期过后滚动.
No, Holy Spirit Preparatory School does not require applicants to take the SSAT. If an applicant has taken the test, they may upload that into their application.
No, you do not have to be Catholic to attend Holy Spirit Prep; however, 作为真正的天主教学校, 天主教是我们课程和学校生活中不可或缺的一部分.
目前, we do not offer a bus service; however, we are hoping to offer multiple bus routes in the near future if we receive enough demand. 请给我们发电子邮件 admissions@rzsg.net 或者打678给办公室.761.讨论这种可能性.
Does Holy Spirit Preparatory School offer financial aid and/or scholarships?
是的, we offer need-based financial aid to families who apply for it and demonstrate a need. 我们有近45%的学生获得经济援助. We work hard to help as many families as possible so that their children are able to attend our school.
At HSP, we believe that a child’s education begins in the home, with their family. We greatly value our partnership with parents as we work together to educate their children, and always encourage them to volunteer and become a part of the larger school family here at Holy Spirit Preparatory School. 我们有各种各样的方式让父母参与进来, 比如成为家长志愿者协会的一员, 体育助推器俱乐部, 和艺术联盟. 请访问我们的支持页面了解更多信息.
Does the school offer a resource program for students with different learning needs?
是的, the John Carroll Resource Center at Holy Spirit Preparatory School provides support to students in grades K-8 and the Benedict Resource Center provides support to students in grades 9-12 who have been diagnosed with dyslexia or other language processing exceptionalities and/or organizational challenges, to maximize each student’s unique learning potential within a college preparatory environment.
I am very interested in Holy Spirit Preparatory School and would like to know more! 我该给谁打电话?
我们很乐意与您分享更多关于如何成为我们学校的一部分的信息! 致电或发短信给我们的十大玩彩信誉平台办公室(678)761-7992,或发电子邮件给我们 admissions@rzsg.net 今天和我们十大玩彩信誉平台团队的一位成员谈谈!
是的, you may still complete an application after our posted deadline; however, please understand that spaces are limited and applications received prior to the deadline will be given priority. Applying by the deadline guarantees a decision on the decision released date.
我们接受从6个月大到11年级的学生, 取决于在一个特定的年级水平的可用性.
是的, 我们对家长和学生进行面谈, 因为我们喜欢了解我们潜在的家庭.
学前班家庭是滚动通知的, and a decision can be expected within a couple of weeks of completing the application process. Kindergarten-12th grade applicants can expect a decision on the AAAIS decision release date, 或在此日期过后滚动.
No, Holy Spirit Preparatory School does not require applicants to take the SSAT. If an applicant has taken the test, they may upload that into their application.
No, you do not have to be Catholic to attend Holy Spirit Prep; however, 作为真正的天主教学校, 天主教是我们课程和学校生活中不可或缺的一部分.
目前, we do not offer a bus service; however, we are hoping to offer multiple bus routes in the near future if we receive enough demand. 请给我们发电子邮件 admissions@rzsg.net 或者打678给办公室.761.讨论这种可能性.
是的, we offer need-based financial aid to families who apply for it and demonstrate a need. 我们有近45%的学生获得经济援助. We work hard to help as many families as possible so that their children are able to attend our school.
At HSP, we believe that a child’s education begins in the home, with their family. We greatly value our partnership with parents as we work together to educate their children, and always encourage them to volunteer and become a part of the larger school family here at Holy Spirit Preparatory School. 我们有各种各样的方式让父母参与进来, 比如成为家长志愿者协会的一员, 体育助推器俱乐部, 和艺术联盟. 请访问我们的支持页面了解更多信息.
是的, the John Carroll Resource Center at Holy Spirit Preparatory School provides support to students in grades K-8 and the Benedict Resource Center provides support to students in grades 9-12 who have been diagnosed with dyslexia or other language processing exceptionalities and/or organizational challenges, to maximize each student’s unique learning potential within a college preparatory environment.
我们很乐意与您分享更多关于如何成为我们学校的一部分的信息! 致电或发短信给我们的十大玩彩信誉平台办公室(678)761-7992,或发电子邮件给我们 admissions@rzsg.net 今天和我们十大玩彩信誉平台团队的一位成员谈谈!
是的, you may still complete an application after our posted deadline; however, please understand that spaces are limited and applications received prior to the deadline will be given priority. Applying by the deadline guarantees a decision on the decision released date.
我们接受从6个月大到11年级的学生, 取决于在一个特定的年级水平的可用性.
是的, 我们对家长和学生进行面谈, 因为我们喜欢了解我们潜在的家庭.
学前班家庭是滚动通知的, and a decision can be expected within a couple of weeks of completing the application process. Kindergarten-12th grade applicants can expect a decision on the AAAIS decision release date, 或在此日期过后滚动.
No, Holy Spirit Preparatory School does not require applicants to take the SSAT. If an applicant has taken the test, they may upload that into their application.
No, you do not have to be Catholic to attend Holy Spirit Prep; however, 作为真正的天主教学校, 天主教是我们课程和学校生活中不可或缺的一部分.
目前, we do not offer a bus service; however, we are hoping to offer multiple bus routes in the near future if we receive enough demand. 请给我们发电子邮件 admissions@rzsg.net 或者打678给办公室.761.讨论这种可能性.
是的, we offer need-based financial aid to families who apply for it and demonstrate a need. 我们有近45%的学生获得经济援助. We work hard to help as many families as possible so that their children are able to attend our school.
At HSP, we believe that a child’s education begins in the home, with their family. We greatly value our partnership with parents as we work together to educate their children, and always encourage them to volunteer and become a part of the larger school family here at Holy Spirit Preparatory School. 我们有各种各样的方式让父母参与进来, 比如成为家长志愿者协会的一员, 体育助推器俱乐部, 和艺术联盟. 请访问我们的支持页面了解更多信息.
是的, the John Carroll Resource Center at Holy Spirit Preparatory School provides support to students in grades K-8 and the Benedict Resource Center provides support to students in grades 9-12 who have been diagnosed with dyslexia or other language processing exceptionalities and/or organizational challenges, to maximize each student’s unique learning potential within a college preparatory environment.
我们很乐意与您分享更多关于如何成为我们学校的一部分的信息! 致电或发短信给我们的十大玩彩信誉平台办公室(678)761-7992,或发电子邮件给我们 admissions@rzsg.net 今天和我们十大玩彩信誉平台团队的一位成员谈谈!
我们邀请你来参观我们美丽的校园, 满足教师, 工作人员, 学生领袖, and experience the culture and community at Holy Spirit Preparatory School.